Will Mower

Will Mower


Will Mower is the Head of Vineyard Establishment with VineWorks – the UK’s leading viticulture services company – overseeing every aspect of vineyard establishment from land sourcing, feasibility reports, vineyard design, vine importation, planting and trellising installation. He also is a guest lecturer at Plumpton Agricultural College. He studied viticulture and oenology at Plumpton Agriculture College, and has a background in marketing. He has over 7 years experience specialising in UK cool climate viticulture.

The Honest Truth – What do we Know About Regenerative Viticulture in the UK?

Breakout Tent

The UK wine industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, leading to concerns about negative environmental impacts associated with traditional viticulture practices. There is a growing interest in regenerative viticulture, despite very little UK-based research existing, leaving grape growers to experiment with techniques borrowed from other agricultural fields with varying degrees of success. This […]