Wakelyns: 30 Years of Agroforestry Innovation

Agroforestry Tent (PF B12)

In March 1994 the first trees of Wakelyns Agroforestry were planted to begin fulfilling the vision of Professor Martin Wolfe and his wife Ann for a sustainable and adaptable farming model based on agroforestry to challenge the status quo of prevailing intensive monoculture. Designed to be a demonstration of different types of agroforestry, which was highly novel in Britain at the time, Wakelyns has fulfilled that objective in spectacular ways over the subsequent 30 years. In an informal social event to celebrate the vision, achievement and ongoing innovation of Wakelyns, David Wolfe and wife Amanda, and some of the Wakelyns team will provide recollections on the past and plans for the future.