Angus Nelless

Angus Nelless


Angus Nelless farms in a family partnership located in mid Northumberland. The cattle and sheep are Pasture for Life and Organic certified. The main farming activities are an enclosed, performance recorded, sheep flock comprising 2000 Lleyn ewes with an additional 600 ewe lambs and 260 Aberdeen Angus based suckler cows with all surplus progeny finished on farm. The family also have a small free range turkey unit finishing 1500 birds for Christmas. The enterprises are managed across 860 hectares of good to marginal land in the Coquet Valley, Mid Northumberland with approximately half owned and half rented on 3 FBT’s.

Clarity, Community & Ownership – Empowering Farms to Successfully Outwinter

Stand DF C38 (AHDB)

Outwintering practices, such as bale grazing, are gaining traction throughout the UK, with farmers increasingly adopting these systems. Those implementing these systems are citing cost reductions, improved soil carbon management, and enhanced animal health. Despite these reported benefits, there remains a lack of robust quality, performance, and financial data to substantiate these claims. In response […]