John Cherry

John Cherry


John Cherry farms the Groundswell host farm with his brother Paul. His initial enthusiasm for no-till farming stemmed from an urge to avoid bouncing around on tractor seats, but the further the brothers advanced down the road of continuous no-till, the more obsessed John became about the various soils on the 2500 acres that they farm and how they should be looked after. The Groundswell show came about because he had too many questions that no-one had satisfactory answers for and the easiest thing seemed to be to gather all the experts in one place and see what happened. The result exceeded all expectations…

Mob Grazing Demo

Safari Tent

Join John & Paul Cherry (Host farmers) as they demonstrate moving the mob on the herbal ley and answering any questions.

Demonstration Safari/Walk

Mob Grazing Demo

Safari Tent

Join John & Paul Cherry (Host farmers) as they demonstrate moving the mob on the herbal ley and answering any questions.

Demonstration Safari/Walk