Martin Hügi

Martin Hügi


Martin Hügi, UK Senior Conservation Advisor (Woodlands) for the Woodland Trust, is a Chartered Forester who has been working with trees and woodlands for 24 years. He has expertise in ancient woodland restoration, veteran trees and nature connection. He believes that trees and woodlands are integral to a wider functioning ecosystem, and essential to addressing the biodiversity and Climate Change together. Martin has lived on farming estates much of his life and with a passion for healthy soils and their fungi is interested in how sustainable food production can benefit, and be woven into, a treed and wooded landscape.

Managing Farm Woodlands

Safari Tent

Join a walk to a woodland on Lannock Farm, Groundswell; discover some of the key areas for consideration when bringing a farm woodland back into management. Together with advisors from the Woodland Trust, we will talk through the condition of the wood, identify any threats and constraints, solutions and opportunities integrating into the farm business. […]
