Fred Price

Fred Price


Gothelney is a 250 acre family farm just outside Bridgwater, Somerset.  We also rent 130 acres on a 6 year FBT.  I took on the farm in 2007, initially embracing the mainstream narrative of commodity agriculture.  Ironically this early focus on productivity lead me to think more deeply about soils and fertility, and set in motion a steady reimagination of our practices on farm that is possible when we also reconsider the logics of our current industrialised food system.

Identifying with agroecology and has been transformative both practically and psychologically, a process of self-discovery and self-preservation.  Why are we told we must ‘turn here for nature, or continue straight for food production’?  I believe in the productive grey areas in between these binaries from which a more beautiful, complex & diverse human-scale food system based on trust, relationships & community can emerge.  Gothelney is an altogether more woolly and happier farm for it.

Imagining a New Cereal Seed System With UK Grain Lab

Discussion Tent

Imagining a new cereal seed system with UK Grain Lab The current seed system emerged in the 20th century to feed people, protect farmers from disreputable merchants, recognise and protect the efforts of plant breeders and drive innovation. Over time legislation and regulation emerged to codify and protect it.  Though it delivers at scale and […]


Integrating Pigs into Regenerative Farms

The Study

Is it possible for pigs to fit into a regenerative farming system? Can pigs bring benefits to other elements of the farming model? We’ll be answering these questions and more, with a panel of farmers from varying backgrounds, all running pigs within their farm businesses. We’ll be looking at the different ways pigs can be […]