Nadaline Webster

Nadaline Webster


Nadaline Webster is a Strategy & Creative Director who provides consultant marketing services, primarily in the legal technology sector with a focus on intellectual property law.

She grew up on a farm and currently farms with her partner in Co Limerick, Ireland. She is the secretary with the Carbon Removals Action Group, formed in 2019 to assist farmers in asserting their rights to own their removals and have it recognised as privately owned property rather than property of the Irish State. She is the author of Flawed Figures & Fragile Futures: why science, not politics should be driving climate policy.

Climate Change: How Farming is Part of the Solution Not the Problem

Breakout Tent

A discussion alongside regenerative farmers and representatives from Farm Carbon Toolkit about some of the issues facing agriculture, the messaging that is being given to the general public, sequestration and how we develop our messaging as food producers.


Booksigning – Nadaline Webster

Magic Teapot

Nadaline Webster will be signing copies of her book ‘Flawed Figures & Fragile Futures: Why Science, not Politics, Should be Driving Climate Policy’ at the Magic Teapot

Book Signing