Toby Simpson

Toby Simpson


Toby is an arable farmer from Cambridgeshire where he lives and works with his family. A 2022 Nuffield Farming Scholar, Toby explored ‘catch and cover cropping opportunities in UK arable agriculture’. He has a passion for all things soil health and is always exploring new ideas and trials on the farm.

Cover Cropping – Successes & Failures

The Study

When it comes to soil health and regenerative management, one technique seems to stand out above all others: the establishment and use of cover crops. Join us for a session talking all things cover crops and intercrops, with 400ha farmer Tom Jewers, 2022 Nuffield Scholar Toby Simpson and Technical Manager Jim Egan from Kings. As […]


‘Leying Under Cover’ – Does it Stack up?

Stand DF C38 (AHDB)

Return on Investment from cover crops and herbal leys in the arable rotation means different things to different people; can you quantify it, is it worth it, and how do you maximise it?


Harvesting Prosperity: Exploring the Financial Landscape of Regenerative Farming & Practices

Discussion Tent

However the land is farmed, our goal is to farm profitably in a sustainable manner. Improving profit and the soil health, year on year and for the next generation. Making a loss is not an option for most and becomes the main barrier to change. This presentation highlights experiences and opportunities for farmers who are […]